27th IPM Physics Spring Conference

Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences

June 24-25, 2020 (4-5 Tir 1399)


سخنرانان و عناوین سخنرانی به ترتیب برنامه

چهارشنبه 4 تیرماه
Nature Inspired Nanostructured Optical Sensor محمدرضا هرمزی نژاد
PBHs from Cosmic Inflation امجد عشوریون
The Interaction of Light and Quantum Rings میرفائز میری

Observable Quantum Loops in the Sky- pdf file

علی اکبر ابوالحسنی

Accelerator Physics, Challenges and Opportunities محسن دیانی
Metal-based Nanocomposites: Tribological Behavior Analysis through Atomistic Simulations عباس منتظری

Probing the Partonic Content of Nucleons and Nuclei at LHC and Future Colliders- pdf file

حمزه خانپور
CMS phase-II upgrade of the RPC Link System 
بهزاد بقراطی
Search for scalar production through vector-like top quark loop at e-  e+ colliders- pdf file صدیقه تیزچنگ
Holograpic entanglement of Purification near a Critical Point- pdf file بهمن امراهی
Dynamical evolution of star clusters with varying IMF- pdf file حسین حقی
Role of Thermal and Non-thermal Processes in the ISM of Magellanic Clouds- pdf file حمید حسنی

The star formation history of And-VII dwarf galaxy derived from monitoring survey of long-period variable stars

مهدیه نوابی

Effective theories for a nonrelativistic field in an expanding universe: Induced self-interaction, pressure, sound speed, and viscosit

برنا صالحیان
پنجشنبه 5 تیرماه

Quantum Physics and Geometry, 20 years in 20 minutes

امین فرجی
Supersymmetric Continuous Spin Gauge Theory- pdf file مجتبی نجفی زاده

Gravitational waves and BMS symmetries- pdf file

علی سراج

The Improved Performance of Solar Cells by Random Dispersed Metal Nanoparticles

اصغر عسگری
Speckle Tweezers علیرضا مرادی

Low-loss two-dimensional Plasmon Modes in Antimonene

زهرا تربتیان



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