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281. F. Mahmoudi, A. Arbey, T. Hurth and S. Neshatpour,
BSM fits for rare B decays,
in: Proceedings, 17th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines (Beauty 2018) : La Biodola, Elba island, Italy, May 6-11, 2018, 326, 2018, pp.   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-531    
DOI: 10.22323/1.326.0040
282. F. Mahmoudi, T. Hurth and S. Neshatpour,
Updated Fits to the Present b -> sl(+)l(-) Data ,
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Code: IPM/P.A-530    
DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.49.1267
283. F. Mahmoudi, T. Hurth and S. Neshatpour,
Implications of flavour anomalies for new physics,
PoS ConfinementX in: Proceedings, 17th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity (CORFU2017) : Corfu, Greece, September 2-28, 2017, 318, 2018, pp.   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-529    
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284. A. Arbey, T. Hurth, F. Mahmoudi and S. Neshatpour,
Large Hadronic and New Physics Contributions to $b \to s$ Transitions,
Phys. Rev. D 98(2018),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-507    
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.095027
arXiv: [hep-ph]
285. S. Paktinat Mehdiabadi and Leila Zamiri ,
W pair production in the light of CMS searches,
J. Phys. G 45(2018),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-528    
DOI: DOI: 10.1088/1361-6471/aab415
arXiv: [hep-ph]
286. A. Hajilou, M. Ali-Akbar and F. Charmchi,
A Classical String in Lifshitz-Vaidya Geometry,
Eur. Phys. J. C 78(2018),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-527    
arXiv: arXiv:1707.00967 [hep-th]
287. S. Sanaye Hajari, S. Haghtalab, S. H. Shaker and M. Dayyani Kelisani,
RF emittance in a low energy electron linear accelerator,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 888(2018), 250-256  [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-526    
288. S. Kasaei, S. Sanaye Hajari, M. Bahrami and S. H. Shaker,
Spectrometer design for diagnostics in a wide range of energy at a linear accelerator,
Journal of Instrumentation 13(2018),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-525    
289. M. Alishahiha, A. Faraji Astaneh, M. R. Mohammadi Mozaffar and A. Mollabashi,
Complexity growth with Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation,
JHEP 07(2018),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-524    
arXiv: [hep-th]
290. N. Abbasi, F. Taghinavaz and K. Naderi,
Hydrodynamic excitations from chiral kinetic theory and the hydrodynamic frames,
JHEP 1803(2018),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-523    
arXiv: arXiv:1712.06175 [hep-th]

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