Workshop on QCD and QGP
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM)
September 29- October 1, 2014  (7-9 Mehr, 1393)

Quark-gluon plasma is a new phase of quantum chromodynamics produced at the relativistic heavy ion collider(RHIC) and these days at the large hadron collider(LHC). The school of particles and accelerators is intended to introduce the quark-gluon plasma and its properties to students, post docs and researchers who would like to work in this area.

Conference fee: There is a 500/000 Rials conference fee which covers the lunches and coffee breaks during the conference. Participants have to pay the conference fee at the first day of conference on Monday, September 29, 2014.

Accommodation fee is 450/000 Rials for each participant per night in a double room in the IPM guest house.
Please notice that the rooms in the IPM guest house are limited!!

Deadline for registration: Sep 24, 2014 (Email address for registration:

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