Workshop on QCD and QGP
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM)
September 29- October 1, 2014  (7-9 Mehr, 1393)

Speakers and Titles of Talks

Speaker Title of Talk
M. Aliakbari, IPM & SBU Meson life time in the anisotropic quark-gluon plasma
K. Bitaghsir, Shahrood Uni. Non-equilibrium dynamics and numerical relativity
H. Ebrahim, IPM (pdf) Thermalization in field theory on compact space
Sh. Fayazbakhsh, IPM Quark anomalous magnetic moment and QCD phase diagram
A. R. Fazio, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (pdf) Scattering amplitudes computation in quantum chromodynamics
M. Mohammadi, IPM The CMS experiment results in heavy ion collisions
Z. Rezaei, IPM & Tafresh Uni. (pdf) Thermal fluctuations and meson melting
N. Sadooghi, SUT Quark matter under extreme conditions 
F. Taghinavaz, SUT The contribution of plasminos on the shear viscosity of hot and dense yukawa-fermi gas
S. Taheri, IPM Recent progress in transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions

U. Wiedemann, CERN (pdf1,2)


- Fluid dynamics in heavy ion collisions: current status 
- Jet quenching / hard probes in heavy ion collisions: current status
- Gauge/String duality: applications to heavy ion phenomenology









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